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Mule and JBoss Fuse ESBs are most popular open source ESBs on the market. They are the leaders. I have been working with both for numerous years. Both of them have their strengths and weakness. I discuss these further in my later blog. Today, I am going to describe Mule 101 from development point of view. I am going to cover the following aspects:
- Install Mule Studio
- Install Mule MMC and Runtime
- Develop Hello World Mule Application
- Build Mule Project With Maven
- Mule Application Deployment
Install Mule Studio
You can download both Mule Studio and MMC from You will need to fill a form so that Mule can track you down, and hopefully you will buy their product. I downloaded the following two file to ~/Downloads on my MacBook:
1 2 | MuleStudio- for |
As you can see the current mule run time is version 3.4.2 and Mule Studio is 3.5. Execute the following commands [My current dir is ~/Downloads]:
1 2 3 4 | jar vxf jar vxf MuleStudio- for mv MuleStudio ~/. mv mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2 ~/. |
Now, I have both Mule Studio and runtime under my home directory. Let's develop a Hello World Application.
Develop Hello World Mule Application
Start [Make sure it is executable]. Enable the maven setting by editing the Preferences as shown below:
To create a mule project, New -> Mule Project. Make sure create maven project as shown below:
As shown below, the MuleStudio will create a project with the following structures.
Now let's develop a simple application using HTTP component. Perform the flowing actions:
- Double click the mule flow file under flow directory
- Drag and drop the HTTP component
- Drag and drop the Logger component
- Double click the Logger icon in side the flow
- Fill the groovy script as shown below
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | <!--xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?--> <mule xmlns:http= "" xmlns= "" xmlns:doc= "" xmlns:spring= "" version= "EE-3.4.1" xmlns:xsi= "" xsi:schemalocation= "" > <flow name= "hello-worldFlow1" doc:name= "hello-worldFlow1" > <http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern= "request-response" host= "localhost" port= "8081" path= "echo" doc:name= "HTTP" > <logger message= "#[groovy:return message.toString();]" level= "INFO" doc:name= "Logger" > </logger></http:inbound-endpoint></flow> </mule> |
Now, we can run the mule application inside the studio by right click the the file hello-world.mflow file, run as, Muel application. You should see the following output in the studio console:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | NFO 2014-02-15 14:33:05,294 [main] Registered Connector Service with name Mule.hello-world:type=Connector,name= "connector.http.mule.default.1" INFO 2014-02-15 14:33:05,297 [main] org.mule.DefaultMuleContext: ********************************************************************** * Application: hello-world * * OS encoding: US-ASCII, Mule encoding: UTF-8 * * * * Agents Running: * * Clustering Agent * * JMX Agent * ********************************************************************** INFO 2014-02-15 14:33:05,297 [main] org.mule.module.launcher.MuleDeploymentService: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Started app 'hello-world' + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 | http: //localhost:8081/echo?UserName=Gary Liu |
1 | /echo?UserName=Gary%20Liu |
At this point, we have created a simple mule application using HTTP and Logger components coming with mule. This process is good for development and unit testing. However, we normal build the application using maven and later perform continuous integration using other utility like Jenkins. Now, let me explain the build process using maven.
Build Mule Application With Maven
In order to build maven project created through MuleStudio, we need to uncomment all the following dependencies:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 | <!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.mulesoft.muleesb.modules</groupId> <artifactId>mule-module-boot-ee</artifactId> <version>${mule.version}</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> --> <!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.mulesoft.muleesb</groupId> <artifactId>mule-core-ee</artifactId> <version>${mule.version}</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> --> <!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.mulesoft.muleesb.modules</groupId> <artifactId>mule-module-spring-config-ee</artifactId> <version>${mule.version}</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> --> <!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.cloveretl</groupId> <artifactId>cloveretl-engine</artifactId> <version>${mule.version}</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> --> |
One more thing before we can build using maven. Execute the folloing script under MuleStudio installation dir [~/MuleStudio]. This is to install licm jar file to our local maven repo.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | mvn install:install-file \ -Dfile=plugins/org.mule.tooling.server.3.4.1.ee_3.4.1.201312062152/mule/plugins/mule-plugin-debugger-3.4.1/lib/licm-1.1.3.jar \ -DgroupId=com.mulesoft.licm \ -DartifactId=licm \ -Dversion=1.1.3 \ -Dpackaging=jar |
Now, we can build the Hello World mule application we just developed. Let's do the following:
1 2 | cd ~/MuleStudio/workspace/hello-world mvn clean install |
The maven build process takes now time. If you check the target directory, there is a file named as: This is the file we will deploy to the mule runtime. If you are curious enough and wander what are the contents inside that zip file, you can do the following:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | [/Users/Gary2013/MuleStudio/workspace/hello-world]$ cd target [/Users/Gary2013/MuleStudio/workspace/hello-world/target]$ jar vtf 989 Sat Feb 15 14:33:02 CST 2014 hello-world.xml 0 Sat Feb 15 14:14:20 CST 2014 119 Sat Feb 15 14:33:02 CST 2014 0 Sat Feb 15 15:01:22 CST 2014 classes/ 989 Sat Feb 15 15:01:22 CST 2014 classes/hello-world.xml 0 Sat Feb 15 15:01:22 CST 2014 classes/ 119 Sat Feb 15 15:01:22 CST 2014 classes/ [/Users/Gary2013/MuleStudio/workspace/hello-world/target]$ |
This is the beauty about mule. Its application is very clean and minimum comparing with osgi bundles. Mule will be able to figure out dynamically what jar files should be linked during runtime. Once the application zip file is build, we can deploy it to the mule runtime.
Mule Application Deployment
There is a README.txt file under mule runtime installation [in my case, it is ~/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2]. In that will, the start, stop and restart procedures are described. Let's start the mule as daemon by run the following command:1 2 3 4 | [/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2]$ bin/mule start MULE_HOME is set to /Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2 Starting Mule Enterprise Edition... [/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2]$ |
Now, we can check what java process is mule runtime. Here is what I see:
1 2 3 | [/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2]$ ps -eaf | egrep java | egrep -v egrep 501 17266 17265 0 3:19PM ?? 0:32.28 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_40.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -Dmule.home=/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2 -Dmule.base=/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/endorsed -Xmx1024m -Djava.library.path=%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot -classpath %MULE_LIB%:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/conf:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/commons-cli-1.2.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/commons-codec-1.3-osgi.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/jul-to-slf4j-1.6.1.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/licm-1.1.4.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/log4j-1.2.16.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/mule-module-boot-ee-3.4.2.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/mule-module-logging-3.4.2.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/oscore-2.2.4.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/propertyset-1.3.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/truelicense-1.29.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/truexml-1.29.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/lib/boot/wrapper-3.5.19.jar:/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2/data-mapper -Dwrapper.key=d4wYZG88GHn1riyEuxVDypA4M4y9i5w4 -Dwrapper.port=32000 -Dwrapper.jvm.port.min=31000 -Dwrapper.jvm.port.max=31999 -Dwrapper.disable_console_input=TRUE -Dwrapper.version=3.5.19-st -Dwrapper.native_library=wrapper -Dwrapper.arch=universal -Dwrapper.service=TRUE -Dwrapper.cpu.timeout=10 -Dwrapper.jvmid=1 -Dwrapper.lang.domain=wrapper -Dwrapper.lang.folder=../lang org.mule.module.reboot.MuleContainerBootstrap start0 [/Users/Gary2013/mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.2]$ |
The deployment procedure is covered pretty well Simple, we can copy the zip file from target to the apps directory.
1 | cp ~/MuleStudio/workspace/hello-world/target/ . |
Mule has a feature called hot-deployment. Once the zip file is dropped to the apps dir, mule will unzip the archive, delete it, and create a file named like: hello-world-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-anchor.txt. Inside that file, there is a line of text. The meaning of text is not important. Mule is just using it as key to monitor the application. To undeploy the application, you can simply delete the anchor file.
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ReplyDeletethanks a lot would ve been better if u were a bit little more basic (simple step by step) so that a fresher or a beginer like me can cope up good
ReplyDeleteThis was very good. I'm not sure what you could've done to make it "a bit little more basic". I've encountered a problem with v5.4 (rebranded to Anypoint), where the inbound-endpoint has been deprecated and we're supposed to use http:listener. I've tried to follow your guide as much as I can, but the logger message is not being returned by the listener. I'll try to post an update if I figure it out.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteEdit: It appears that the http:listener requires the use of a set-payload transformer to obtain the response value to be returned. The logger element is not a valid subelement of an http:listener and cannot set the payload for the response. Indeed, the logger element logs whatever is set in the message property to the console for logging purposes.
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ReplyDeleteGregS - I am new to mule and was started by this example, i just cant get the response in the browser, though my lister is running and it captures logging details in console.
ReplyDelete--i created this but not getting response back, my app starts fine and logs what I pass in input:
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehave u tried XML to JASON element from mule studio instead of using the transformer element ? what is the use of this element ? and do u have a sample ?
ReplyDeleteDataweave is the most powerful tool for transform different data types, from xml to json, csv to json, json to xml etc.
DeleteIm asking about this element
ReplyDeleteI have two video tutorial on DataWeave on YouTube. Let me know if that will help
Deletehow to call mule flow using java client
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DeleteNice to be visiting your blog again, it has been months for me. Well this article that i’ve been waited for so long.
MuleSoft is the most recent "unicorn" to petition for an IPO. The organization, which enables organizations to like Netflix and Spotify with their APIs, has revealed its financials to people in general in a S-1 recording, recommending that they are focusing on a presentation when March.
The span of the proposed IPO is $100 million, yet that is liable to change.
Very useful post !everyone should learn and use it during their learning path.
Kind Regards,
Xin chào GAry Liu
ReplyDeleteMy name is Tuan Khanh, I am Vietnamese. I watched your video clip about MULE, it's great. I am doing a MULE exercise but I have not done it yet, hope you help. Thank you very much. You give me the address EMAIL.
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I've encountered a problem with v5.4 (rebranded to Anypoint), where the inbound-endpoint has been deprecated and we're supposed to use http:listener
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