Saturday, December 20, 2014

Control Multiple MacBook Pro and iMacs with One Keyboard and Mouse


  • teleport is absolutely free
  • It is very easy to install and configure. Thank you Julien Robert!
  • It allows to control multiple machine using one pair of keyboard and mourse
  • You can drag and drop files from one machine to another. Beautiful!


For those people like me who have at least one MacBook pro and iMac, thunderbolt display, it is desirable to use one keyboard and one mouse to control both machines. And to drag and drop files from one mac to another. Teleport is the solution! Teleport is developed at Abyssoft by Julien Robert. The current version is 1.1.3.

Download Teleport

The zip format file can be downloaded from you can unzip the file by the following command on terminal:
After you unzip the file, a folder of teleport will be created with the following contents:

As you can see, there are 2 files underneath it. One is a pdf file with brief description on how install and configure the teleport and the other is a folder contain all the contents of the software.

Remember, you have download and configure the teleport on all the mac machines you want to control

The current version does not work out of box you have to perform the following procedures

  • In Finder navigate to teleport folder
  • Right or control click for context menu and "Show Contents"
  • Navigate to "Resources" folder and copy "" to your desktop (don't move it just copy it)
  • double click teleport.prePane
  • check the "activate" box
  • Go to Security & Privacy to Accessibility area
  • Hit the plus at the bottom of the list and navigate to the desktop and add

After the configuration, you should see the following in your System Preferences panel:

Once you have perform this procedures on all of you machines, you should be able to control your machine with only one keyboard and one mouse. It seems the last activated machine will be the master. Now you can drag and drop files from one machine to another. It is really beautiful!

If you have 2 sets of keyboard and mouse, and you want to control each other, you can set the layout the same for both machine as shown in the following figure.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

NEXUS - A Kick Start - Install Configure And Deploy Maven Artifact


Nexus is the best java artifact repository management software so far as I know. Enterprise software development shop should use repository management system to proxy the outside world repository and also to manage the life cycle of their internal software.
This article will walk you through the fundamental process to install, start Nexus, and deploy an maven artifact to the Nexus repository. For the complete reference, you may take a look at this reference book. Personally, I don't like this kind of reference. Nowadays, who has the time to read through the whole books?

Download and Install Nexus OSS

  • Go to this page to download the Nexus OSS
  • Download nexus-2.11.0-02-bundle.tar.gz (this is the current version)
  • cd ; mkdir nexus ; cd nexus
  • tar xvzf ~/Downloads/nexus-2.11.0-02-bundle.tar.gz
Now I can the the following contents:
[/Users/Gary2013/nexus/nexus-2.11.0-02]$ ls
LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt bin  conf  lib  logs  nexus  tmp
At this point the installation is done. we can start the Nexua OSS by:
cd bin
./nexus start

Configure Nexus OSS

By default, Nexus use http port 8081. You can open a browser and go to http://localhost:8081/nexus Once the default Nexus page is rendered, you can login in using the default admin:
username: admin
password: admin123
Nexus has preconfigured a deployment user with:
username: deployment
password: deployment123
First thing I did is to add a new uer [from left panel -> security] as shown in the following figure:

Configure Maven

In order to deploy java artifacts to Nexus Repository, we will need to update maven configuration file ~/.m2/setttings.xmls


Project Configuration To Use Local Nexus

After Nexus starts, we need to configure our project to be deployable to the Nexus repository. Here is all we need to do in our pom.xml file





If you look at the Nexus repository, you will find releases and snapshots as shown in the following figure:

The question is how does maven know into which repository the artifacts should be put? The answer is that in our version tag. If we put the version like:


The maven will put the artifact into snapshots repository. If the version has no SNAPSHOT, the artifacts will be put into release repository

Anypoint Studio Error: The project is missing Munit lIbrary to run tests

Anypoint Studio 7.9 has a bug. Even if we following the article: