Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Install anypoint-cli on-premise in Off-Line mode


anypoint-cli is a very powerful tool, which can perform a lot of operations of mule application management, environment setup, etc. Mulesoft provides a good document online: https://docs.mulesoft.com/runtime-manager/anypoint-platform-cli. However, in many on-premise environment there is no direct access to outside world. We need to install anypoint-cli in the off-line mode. Mulesoft has a documentation on this: https://support.mulesoft.com/s/article/How-to-perform-offline-installation-of-Anypoint-CLI This post is to address the details of the deployment, which includes install node, configure anypoint-cli environment.

Make Sure Your Proxy Setup Is Correct

On-premise setup mule often requires proxy setup. Here is the example of the proxy configuration:
export https_proxy=http://functional-account-name:password@YOUR-DOMAIN.com:YOUR-PORT
export no_proxy=xyz.com,localhost,,,,.xyz.com,.abc.com

Install Node

The following link is very helpful: https://tecadmin.net/install-latest-nodejs-and-npm-on-centos/ Make sure you have root access.

Install anypoint-cli

Follow the mulesoft document. https://support.mulesoft.com/s/article/How-to-perform-offline-installation-of-Anypoint-CLI. Make sure use root.
  npm install -g npm-bundle
  npm-bundle --verbose anypoint-cli
The last command will download anypoint-cli tgz file: anypoint-cli-2.3.2.tgz Once the lastest anypoint-cli package is downloaded, you can copy it to target linux node and do the following (as sudo user, don't run as root directly):
  npm install -g /tmp/anypoint-cli-2.3.2.tgz

Configuration & Test Run

Put the following in you .anypoint_env.dev file:
You can create many file like this. When you work on one, say, dev environemtn, you can source the file of .anypoint_env.dev. Once you have completed the installation you can run the following command as normal user:
anypoint-cli runtime-mgr standalone-application list
ID      Name                                        Target ID Target Name           Status  Updated

2400923 gcc-mule-services-cache-management          507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400924 gcc-mule-services-cfgmgmt                   507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400925 gcc-mule-services-cfgmgmt-ptdata-consumer   507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400926 gcc-mule-services-cfgmgmt-ptupdate-consumer 507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400927 gcc-mule-services-datacapture               507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400928 gcc-mule-services-datastore-consumer        507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400929 gcc-mule-services-fileexchange-process      507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400930 gcc-mule-services-filemanager               507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400931 gcc-mule-services-fileupload                507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400932 gcc-mule-services-fileupload-process        507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400933 gcc-mule-services-processlog-consumer       507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400934 gcc-mule-services-sfg                       507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400935 gcc-mule-services-transformation-consumer   507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400936 gcc-mule-services-transporter               507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago
2400937 gcc-mule-services-validation-consumer       507876    gcc-mule-dit1-cluster STARTED 5 hours ago


Anypoint Studio Error: The project is missing Munit lIbrary to run tests

Anypoint Studio 7.9 has a bug. Even if we following the article: https://help.mulesoft.com/s/article/The-project-is-missing-MUnit-libraries-...