The source code for this tutorial is available at:
The video demo for this blog is available at youtube here now.In my previous tutorial, I have covered the basics about Switchyard design, using the example of creating a Hello World Service. The link is available here:
The main purpose of this article is to document the basic procedures of the creation of a REST binding for Switchyard application. The 1.1 implementation still has some bugs. There are still quite some room for improvement in terms of simplicity and intuitiveness.
Create Order Service
Step One: Create Project
New --> Switchyard Project.Project name: switchyard-rest, Next
Fill the form like the following: click Finish
A new Switchyard project will be created. However, there is problem with pom.xml. This is a know bug for the version 1.1.1-p5-redhard-1. The workaround is to add a parent segment. Here is the complete pom.xml content:
4.0.0 org.switchyard switchyard-parent 1.1.1-p5-redhat-1 com.ggl.switchyard switchyard-rest com.ggl.switchyard:switchyard-rest 1.1.1-p5-redhat-1 1.7 1.7 org.switchyard.components switchyard-component-resteasy org.switchyard.components switchyard-component-soap org.switchyard switchyard-api org.switchyard switchyard-transform org.switchyard switchyard-validate ${switchyard.version} org.switchyard switchyard-test test org.switchyard.components switchyard-component-test-mixin-cdi test org.switchyard switchyard-plugin configure org.switchyard.transform.config.model.TransformSwitchYardScanner
This is pretty nasty work around. Your project version has to be the same as the switchyard version. As I know this is fixed in the newer version of switchyard. I will verify that soon.
We need to update the maven project as the pom.xml file is modified [using Option-F5 in MacOS].
Create OrderService
This is the same as my previous HelloWorld service, exception the interface name is OrderService and the bean name is OrderServiceImpl.
Create REST Binding
Switchyard for REST service require a resource file, which is an interface definition. In my case, I have defined as the following:
package com.ggl.switchyard.switchyard_rest_demo; import; import; import; import; import; @Path("/order") public interface OrderResource { @POST @Path("/") @Produces({"text/xml"}) public Order newOrder(); @GET @Path("{orderId}") @Produces({"text/xml"}) public Order getOrder(@PathParam("orderId") Long orderId); }
This interface must be the same as the implementation service interface. In this tutorial, I have defined the OrderService as the following:
public interface OrderService { public Order newOrder (Order order); public Order getOrder (Long orderId); }
As you can see that the signature is the same if you remove the annotations from the resource interface. This seems a bit awkward. To me there should be an implementation for the REST service explicitly, like in Spring MVC, of Apache CXF
Hello, I read your post and I have a problem, wanting to create a maven project with swichyard, created an archetype, but as I make the call from my project maven fuse
ReplyDeleteMy issue is "The referenced java interface for service 'OrderService-REST' specifies more than one operation and the binding 'OrderBinding' does specifies which to use in the operation selector".
ReplyDeletePlease suggest me a approach.
Pleease help me how to do CRUD operation using RestAPI in switchyard & how to do bulk update also.Thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteCan u share the series of youtube links for switchyard where you have explained all the components and bindings. I am getting only Tutorial 1,2 and 3 only.