Sunday, April 17, 2016

MuleSoft Dataweave Tutorial: Part III - Multiple Level Iteration of Arrays


I must admit the MuelSoft's Dataweave component is a critical and very powerful component of the Mule application development, because the data transformation is one of the critical part of enterprise integration. In this short article, I am going to explain the usage of multiple level of mapping.

The build-in function map is used to iterate a list of objects. This is mostly used function with Dataweave component. Given that, let explain my use cases.

Use Cases

Here is the input:
    "TX": [
        "name": "John Smith"
        "name": "Robert Goll"
    "OK": [
        "name": "Framk Chambers"
        "name": "Billie Chambers"
The output should be [Note: this is just a simple example to illustrate the concept]:
    "name": "John Smith"
    "name": "Robert Goll"
    "name": "Framk Chambers"
    "name": "Billie Chambers"

Logical Thinking

If we looking the input, we can see that this is List of List. There are 2 levels. Somehow, if we can create an array of array like this:


then, we can use the build-in function: flatten, to get the result we want. To achieve this, we need to replace the middle keys like "TX", "OK" to a same name, tempName. This can be achieved by the following code:

payload map {
     ($ map tempName: $)

The result of the above code produces the following result:

    "tempName": [
        "name": "John Smith"
        "name": "Robert Goll"
    "tempName": [
        "name": "Framk Chambers"
        "name": "Billie Chambers"

Here the outer loop (map) is easy to understand, but inner loop ($ map tempName: $) is a bit difficult. The dataweave component ignore the key "TX" and loop the inner array.

if we understand the inner loop, the problem should be easily understood now.

The Solution One: Using Temporary Variable

%dw 1.0
%output application/json

 flatten (payload map {
     ($ map tempName: $)

The Solution Two: Using reduce function

Another more elegant solution is to use reduce function.

%dw 1.0
%output application/json

payload reduce ((value, acc = {}) -> acc ++ value[0])

Key Learning

In this exercise, we learn the key concept of map for inner array. In order to flatten the inner array of objects, we have to replace the keys of the inner array with a temporary name, then use the temporary name to get the connects, and further, flatten the array.

Apparently, the build-in function "flatten" is a recursive function. Now, a question comes: can we recursively map the multiple levels of array?


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Anypoint Studio Error: The project is missing Munit lIbrary to run tests

Anypoint Studio 7.9 has a bug. Even if we following the article: