Monday, May 1, 2017

Mule Dev Tricks: DataWeave Using mapObject - Part II


In the last part DataWeave Using mapObject - Part I. I presented a way to add new attribute to the payload. In this post, I am going to demonstrate the dataweave code for change keys of the JSON payload.

Input Data

    "worker_id": "AMAGWK00002673",
    "position_id": "35119973",
    "requisition_id": "R-32353",
    "applicant_id": "199505",
    "staff_id": "199504"
    "worker_id": "AMAGWK00002674",
    "position_id": "35119943",
    "requisition_id": "R-32353",
    "applicant_id": "199505",
    "staff_id": "199506"
    "worker_id": "AMAGWK00002675",
    "position_id": "35119975",
    "requisition_id": "R-32354",
    "applicant_id": "199507",
    "staff_id": ""

Desired Result

    "ew_id": "AMAGWK00002673",
    "position_id": "35119973",
    "requisition_id": "R-32353",
    "applicant_id": "199505",
    "staff_id": "199504",
    "type": "re-hire"
    "ew_id": "AMAGWK00002674",
    "position_id": "35119943",
    "requisition_id": "R-32353",
    "applicant_id": "199505",
    "staff_id": "199506",
    "type": "re-hire"
    "ew_id": "AMAGWK00002675",
    "position_id": "35119975",
    "requisition_id": "R-32354",
    "applicant_id": "199507",
    "staff_id": "",
    "type": "new-hire"


%dw 1.0
%output application/json
payload map ((worker) ->{
 (worker mapObject (value, key) -> {
  (ew_id : value) when key as :string == 'worker_id', 
  ((key) : value) when (key as :string != 'worker_id')
 type : "new-hire" when worker.staff_id == null or worker.staff_id == '' otherwise 're-hire'

Key learning Points

From the solution I provided, the key syntax is that if the key is worker_id, we will update the key with new key value which is ew_id.
  (ew_id : value) when key as :string == 'worker_id', 
  ((key) : value) when (key as :string != 'worker_id')

1 comment:

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Anypoint Studio Error: The project is missing Munit lIbrary to run tests

Anypoint Studio 7.9 has a bug. Even if we following the article: