Saturday, August 3, 2019

Mule Application Hacking: Reveal Details Of A Connector's Connection


In my last hacking post, I described the method to view the source code of Mule connectors using the ECD. In this article, I am go demonstrate the procedure to reveal the details about connection and communication within the Mule Connector. This is very useful for the purpose of trouble-shooting.

I will use Salesforce connector as example to demonstrate how to read connection details, query, etc.


First, looking for the connector as shown in the following snapshots:
As you can see, I have added Salesforce connection version 9.7.7. Now, we need to expand the connector. Then looking for mule-salesforce-connector-9.7.7-mule-pluging.jar and expand the jar file as shown below:
Now we can see that the java class packages all under org.mule.extension.salesforce.

The next step is to add the package to log4j.xml in the dir of src/main/resources as shown below:

Now add the package of org.mule.extension.salesforce into the Loggers section of the log4j.xml file as shown below
Now, if you run the project, the console will deplay the debugging information about the connection information, request, and response from Salesforce connectors.


Anypoint Studio Error: The project is missing Munit lIbrary to run tests

Anypoint Studio 7.9 has a bug. Even if we following the article: