In my previous article in DZone or here, I omitted the procedure to create a trust store for the application. This is important if the applications are deployed to the CloudHub.
In this article, I will describe the procedures to create the trust store and how to configure the HTTPS request for Mule application
Create A Trust Store FOR MULE HTTPS Request
The procedures to import the server's PEM certificate to a trust store are the following.
First, we will create a trust store using the following command:
1 | keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA - alias cyberark-poc -keystore truststore.ks |
Second, delete the content of the trust store just created:
1 | keytool -delete - alias cyberark-poc -keystore truststore.ks |
1 | keytool - import - v -trustcacerts - alias cyberark-server - file SERVER-CERT.pem -keystore truststore.ks |
HTTPS Request Configuration
The following is the complete HTTPS Request configuration:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | < http:request-config name = "HTTPS_Request_configuration" doc:name = "HTTP Request configuration" doc:id = "489bd416-2a79-4817-9968-627aaa6ee553" > < http:request-connection protocol = "HTTPS" host = "${}" port = "${cyberark.port}" > < tls:context > < tls:trust-store path = "truststore.ks" password = "changeit" type = "jks" > < tls:key-store type = "pkcs12" path = "client.pfx" keypassword = "gary" password = "gary" > </ tls:key-store ></ tls:trust-store ></ tls:context > </ http:request-connection > </ http:request-config > |
The Key Takeaways
The best practice for certificates manipulation is:- If the deployment is on-prem, import servers' certificates to cacert. In this way if the server's certificate is expired, we just need to reimport, not code change is required.
- If the deployment is CloudHub, we have to import the servers' certificate to a truststore as described in this article.
- Use JKS format for the trust store used in the HTTPS request. It is most popular one.
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